Meet the 2023 summer grant recipients!
Meet the 2023 summer grant recipients!

Nadia studies foliar mycobiomes, the composition of fungi in leaves, with the Zalamea lab. Nadia is a recipient of the Herbert Maule Richards Grant. Here, she introduces her research.

Asstan studies interspecific pollination interactions, where pollen from one species is deposited on the flower of another species, with the Eaton lab. Asstan is a recipient of the Donald & Nancy Ritchie and Herbert Maule Richards grants. Here, she introduces her research.

Lily studies mountain lion population and behavior with the Living with Lions project. Lily is a recipient of the Donald & Nancy Ritchie and Edna Henry Bennet grants. Here, she introduces her research.

Ellie studies the molecular mechanisms of cricket feeding behavior with the Nagata Lab, part of the Molecular Recognition Laboratory. Ellie is a recipient of the Maura Shannon Barrett Internships grant. Here, she introduces her research.

Rebecca studies the effects of surgical procedures on patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) through pre and post rehabilitation program data with the F. Widjaja Inflammatory Bowel Research Institute. Rebecca received a grant from the Maura Shannon Barrett Internships Fund. Here, she describes her research.

Kristi studies AI-models with the Ellington lab to make predictions about protein structures, interactions, and functions. Kristi works with SMILES (Simplified Molecular Input Line Entry Systems), software-compatible representations of 3-D molecular structures. Kristi is a recipient of the Maura Shannon Barrett Internships grant. Here, she introduces her research.
About the Biology Department Summer Grants
Each year, our department funds innovative summer research projects thanks to the Donald and Nancy Ritchie, Edna Henry Bennett, Maura Shannon Barrett, and Herbert Maule Richards grants. To apply, students submit grant proposals and budget worksheets for their projects. Grant recipients describe their summer experience in three blog posts.