Jesse Manuel Graves
Office Hours
Laboratory Specialist | Introductory Biology
Jesse Manuel Graves joined the Barnard Biology staff as a Laboratory Specialist in September 2021. He is a proud graduate of The Evergreen State College and an alum of the Calabria Lab, where he studied symbioses in lichens and mosses of the Pacific Northwest. His main research interest is in biology education, with a focus on inclusive pedagogical strategies that enhance student engagement and success in undergraduate biology courses. Through his work, Jesse aims to create more equitable learning environments that support all students in building strong scientific foundations that will serve them in their future endeavors as scientists, scholars, and members of the public.
Professional affiliations:
- American Bryological and Lichenological Society
- Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research
Allen, J. L., Calabria, L. M., Braid, H. E., Peterson, E., Villella, J., Sheehy, S., Glew, K., Graves, J. M., Berim, A., Bull, R. D., Lymbery, C. T., & McMullin, R. T. (2022). Umbilicaria phaea var. coccinea: Conservation status, variety rank, and secondary chemistry. The Bryologist, 125(3), 389–407. https://doi.org/10.
- BIOL BC1501 Introductory Lab in Organismal and Evolutionary Biology
- BIOL BC1503 Introductory Lab in Cellular and Molecular Biology
- BIOL BC1510 Discussion Section
- BIOL BC1512 Discussion Section