Gabrielle Corradino
Office Hours
Dr. Gabrielle Corradino is a biological oceanographer with a background in plankton ecology. She is most interested in studying the impact of temperature on the grazing behavior of small zooplankton called nanoflagellates. Gabrielle works as a National Geographic Explorer to share her research and the beauty of the microscopic plankton world. In addition to research, Gabrielle is involved with marine policy, education, and citizen science strategic planning with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
- BIOL BC1001 Revolutionary Concepts in Biology
- BIOL BC1501 Introductory Lab in Organismal & Evolutionary Biology
- BIOL BC1503 Introductory Lab in Cellular & Molecular Biology
In The News
Today we sit down with Professor Gabrielle Corradino, Term Lecturer in the Biological Sciences. She joined the department this past academic year and has been teaching introductory biology and upper-level microbiology labs in addition to our non-majors' introductory lecture course.